Vertigo Physical Therapy
Vertigo Physical Therapy is used to cure a type of dizziness in which a patient has the sensation of spinning.
It usually is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, imbalance and difficulty standing or walking.
There are many causes for vertigo, most frequently however, it is irritation of the semicircular canals inside the ear. that does it
While it affects people of all ages, as a person gets older, his chances of feeling vertigo seem to increase.
What Causes Vertigo?

Vertigo ise caused by different factors, that originate in the brain, spinal chord, or within the ear itself.
Sometimes crystal deposits, normally found in the inner ear get dislodged and travel to the semicircular canals where they cause inflammation.
It is here where they irritate the small hairs that line the canal, causing vertigo.
Fluid build up inside the inner ear is another cause resulting in vertigo.
Vertigo physical therapy treats mostly the conditions caused by inflammation of the inner ear, while brain and spinal chord originated vertigo requires clinical evaluation.
Suggested reading: Understanding VRT
Vertigo Therapy, also known as Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT). Our qualified Physical Therapists use a series of exercises aimed to re programing the brain.
It will return to process signals from the vestibular system in a way that prevents vertigo from occurring.
These exercises have been sanctioned by the American Academy of Otolaryngology.. In some cases, exercises will remove the irritation n the semicircular canals.
Thus, simply follow the instructions on the video above to see if it helps your specific situation.
In conclusion, physical therapy will return patients to a much better quality of life.