Auto Accident Therapy

Auto Accident Injuries

Auto Accident Therapy


Auto Accident Therapy helps patients return to their normal lives is quickly as possible after a traumatic experience.

Automobile accidents can lead to a number of different types of injuries, Whiplash is the most common, and it can lead to long-term pain.Also common are muscle damage on arms or legs, back pain, headaches, neck and shoulder injuries.Resulting in persistent pain, lack of mobility and difficulty performing every day activities.Pain associated with Whiplash may signal soft-tissue damage that may not heal on its own.Regardless of the extent of your injuries, physical therapy may be able to help you get back on track again.What is Whiplash?Whiplash, sometimes called neck sprain, is a soft tissue injury to the neck, vertebral joints, and in extreme cases, the nerve roots.It occurs when the head is violently shaken back and forth, usually as result of a car accident.Symptoms usually are not apparent in the first 24 hours after the injury.Most commonl symptoms are:
HeadacheNeck painStiffnessDizzinessNumbness on extremitiesShoulder & Lower Back PainFatigueAuto Accident injuries Rehabiltation Therapy :The physical therapist will work in conjunction with your doctor and possibly other qualified rehabilitation professionals to help you fully recover as quickly as possible.Your short term goals will be evolving as you recover, and your therapist’s job is to help you identify and choose the most effective methods to reach these goalsIf you have recently been in a car accident or if you have a case still open, our office can take care of your treatment.After seeing your doctor, prescribing you for physical therapy, just let us know that you have an auto claim.When scheduling your appointment please have the name of the insurance company, claim number, date of accident; name and telephone number of the person handling your claim.


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Appointment Schedules

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Auto Accident Injuries can be overcome, Call Us.


  • Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

